Today measuring water content in Anhydrous Ammonia is now more efficient than ever before. With the OSS ClearShot™ methodology, you can reduce sample size, get results in minutes without sacrificing accuracy and ensure that the production plant is always running within commercial and regulatory limits. Also ensure that each and every delivery is within your customer specification.
U.S. Department of Transportation Approves New Water in Ammonia Test Method
Orono Spectral Solutions (OSS), a global provider of advanced chemical sampling materials and novel analytical methods, announced that the US Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued an approval for companies to use their ClearShot™ technology as a faster, safer and more accurate method to determine water content in anhydrous ammonia – a DOT regulated measurement to ensure shipping safety.
Orono Spectral Solutions Receives Approval from Transport Canada for New Water in Ammonia Testing Using ClearShot™ Technology
Bangor, ME, February 19, 2018 – Orono Spectral Solutions (OSS), a global provider of advanced chemical sampling materials and novel analytical methods, announced today that within five months of US DOT approval of the ClearShot™ technology as a faster, safer and more accurate method to determine water content in anhydrous ammonia, OSS has now received approval from Transport Canada as well.
For more information about the process, please review the information above. Our team will walk you through the process to answer any questions you may have and ensure you are set up for successful and efficient testing using our methods. Contact us today for more information or to answer your questions.