In a recent publication featured in the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, researchers shed light on a groundbreaking method for quantifying and analyzing total oil and grease in cooling water. This innovative approach combines the power of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) with the Orono Spectral Solutions (OSS) ClearShot extractor technology, offering a powerful method for identifying oils in water samples.  Let’s delve into how this process works and explore its significance.

The Science Behind It

FTIR Spectroscopy:
FTIR measures the infrared light absorbed by molecules as a function of wavelength. When oil molecules absorb infrared light, they exhibit vibrational changes, resulting in a unique spectral fingerprint. Specifically, oils absorb light at wavenumbers around 2900 cm⁻¹ (stretching vibrations of CH groups) and 1500 cm⁻¹ (bending vibrations). By creating an oil library based on these unique spectra, we can identify different types of oils.

OSS ClearShot Extractor:
The successful analysis described above owes its feasibility to the transparent design of the OSS ClearShot extractor in the infrared spectral regions most relevant to oil materials. The method involves using a blank extractor to establish a baseline. Then once a sample has been pushed through the membrane and the membrane dried, the entire range of the FTIR can be analyzed to generate not only the oil concentration but the oil composition as well.

Automatic Identification:
Once the spectral data is generated by the FTIR unit, it is then compared to the oil library.
The system automatically identifies the type and amount of oil present in the sample.
This analysis occurs rapidly, within approximately 40 seconds.

Figure 1 shows the spectral data for a blank ClearShot extractor. The entire spectral range can be seen and used to generate specific fingerprints for different oil materials.

Figure 2 reflects a spectral image of a pure oil.  One can see the various peaks which create a fingerprint of this particular oil.

In the figure above, the oil spectrum is generated using the Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) attachment of an FTIR unit. Once created, this spectrum is added to the oil library within the FTIR unit. When an oil in water sample is tested, the FTIR automatically compares the sample’s spectra data to the library, with this analysis generally occurring within 40 seconds.

Real-World Example

Consider a scenario where compressor oil inadvertently enters the final product during manufacturing. Detecting this oil contamination is crucial to maintaining product quality and avoiding a major loss of business. A library is created using various oils used in the manufacturing location and each oil’s unique spectral characteristics are cataloged. Refer to Figure 3 below:

Figure 3 represents a segment of the spectral data obtained from testing three distinct pure oils used in the manufacturing process. The FTIR unit can discern the unique characteristics of each oil.

Figure 4 illustrates a segment of the spectral data comparing three pure oils to the actual oil found in the final product. Typically, the FTIR unit identifies the specific oil. However, for demonstration purposes, we observe that the sample (indicated by the red line) aligns with the oil’s characteristic fingerprint represented by the blue line. This determination is made swiftly, allowing operations personnel to promptly address the issue at the location where the specific oil was being used.

Applicability and Ease of Use for Your Business

  • Versatility: This technology works for various applications (e.g., oil in water, ammonia, soil, urea, air).
  • User-Friendly: No prior spectroscopy experience is required.
  • Automated Process: The FTIR unit handles the entire spectral analysis within a minute.
  • Sample Requirements: Gather samples of pure oils used in your plant or by your customers.
  • Library Creation: Create a library or have one created for your business
  • Software Integration: Enter the information into the FTIR software.
  • Automated Results: The system generates oil identification information automatically.

Significance of OSS ClearShot Technology

The capability to identify both the quantity and the specific type of oil in a sample is crucial. It enables early leak detection, preventing potential quality or environmental issues. Additionally, it safeguards against business losses and potential fines. Furthermore, it aids in pinpointing the oil source when multiple manufacturing locations may be involved in a problem. Whether you’re dealing with oil in water, soil, or other substances, this technology streamlines the process and empowers industries across sectors, ensuring quality control and efficient oil analysis.